Monday, January 4, 2010

sonny crocket and ricardo tubs join the chase

miami police detectives named sonny crocket and ricardo tubs, who came help police detectives harry callhan chase bonnie and clyde.
2 pinehead southern califorina motorcyle police officers who never use their police handguns, or both be shot in the legs by trigger happy doggie police detectives tess and rufus are riding in their very fast doggie police car, chasing after bonnie and clyde, the names of those pinhead wessal motorcyle policers names police officers john baker and frank poncherello, 2 well armed doggie police hummers will ride along side them both, to make sure, that they use their police hand guns or they will not be voted into the oranazation of good.

1 comment:

  1. previous comments are poorly constructed
    stupid and make no sense
